Monday, June 22, 2009

Confessions of an allegrophobic & cyberchondriac & salmon sashimi obsessor

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ -->one for each year of your lovely life so far!
The txt I sent her said, "Birthdays are good for you...the more you have, the longer you live!"
Oh hahaha =)

I'm watching tons of Justin & Jake videos on Youtube, they're insanely adorable, I find...the two of them are gonna grow up to be heartbreakers! Oop, on to Ellen lion videos! I'm actually watching videos of lionesses hunting, wow xD

Oh, yesterday, I was late for church, and when I arrived more than 30 mins late, I sorta...let's not reveal where I hid, but I hid there until service was over. It got me thinking, because it's not the first time that's happened...Whenever I'm SUPER LATE for something, I'd rather hide and not go instead of entering late.

The most 'memorable' time was when I was 13 I think...I went to the washroom and had no way of finding out the time. I knew that service usually lasted an hour and a half, so what I resorted to was counting to 60, and every time I reached 60, I would rip one square of tissue paper out, and restart. However, by the time I reached '90 minutes,' it was really '120 minutes,' and mom was furious, as she couldn't find me for 2 whole hours!

I looked it up online, and I might have Allegrophobia, fear of being late...I don't hyperventilate or have shortness of breath, but I just CAN'T enter a room if I'm late for more than...30 minutes max?

What I also am, is
a cyberchondriac-->hypochondriac who imagines that he or she has a particular disease based on medical information gleaned from the Internet
hypochondriac-->a person with somatic over-concern to the details of bodily functioning and exaggeration of any symptoms no matter how insignificant.

Check my Firefox history, and whatever's not FB/YT is Google, and a HUGE chunk of those Google searches are about some disease/problem I'm convinced I have. Just something interesting I wanted to share! LOL, won't that be fun for other people, next time I'm at one of those 'let's go around and share something interesting about ourselves!' circles xD

Anyway, yesterday was Father's day...Didn't know whether I should've felt bitter, angry, forgiving, reminescent, lonely, glad, or nonchalant. I had a talk with a friend of mine who understands from personal experience, and he's sort of worse off than me, because his situation was more recent than mine and it's still happening. He claimed that I'm the strongest person he knows, and I seemed to draw strength from that, and was able to talk him through his day.

It was interesting because at church yesterday, I overheard the little kids preparing for a skit for father's day, and I felt so much grief for a moment, because as I shared with my friend, "I hope none of them will ever have to experience what we've gone through."

He revealed to me that he understood that the fathers deserved recognition, but he also felt really selfish on Sunday as he sat through service because he just wanted to share the same happy memories that each of the members of his congregation had of their own fathers.

I then managed to convince him that we're in no way selfish for wanting something that we didn't play a role in getting rid of. Like I told him, "we just learn earlier than most people that life isn't a fairytale."

Enough about that though, JLam helped me rename 'father's day' to 'heavenly father lifetime,' and it reminded me of my testimony, when I shared that the absence of my dad led to me becoming a stronger and more mature person.

Which leads to the reason of my personal msg on MSN, which read, "remind me that the burden has now become a blessing." Thankfully, father's day is only celebrated once a year, so until next year, these melancholy thoughts shall be tucked away until I'm able to rid myself of them, once and for all.

Since I'm still on my salmon sashimi high, and I have NO way of satisfying that need, I will have to resort to eating toast with avacado, mom's suggested breakfast for me. Yes, I'm well aware that it is now 2:13pm, but I've been too distracted with other things on my mind to remember to eat!

So the way I see it, salmon sashimi is 'made' in Japanese sushi places, WHERE california rolls and other assorted sushi is 'made,' and since california rolls have avacado in them, if I have toast with avacado, it's PRACTICALLY the same as eating a california roll, which is PRACTICALLY the same as eating something from the same place that 'makes' salmon sashimi, so it's PRACTICALLY like eating salmon sashimi, because OMG, I REALLY WANT SALMON SASHIMI because I'm Starr. Make sense?

Nah =]

*faints from salmon sashimi deprivation*

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